future camera technology

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009 · 3 komentar

In testing, Microsoft UltraCamXp 196 camera megapixel produce maps of the area residents with the details and Digital Elevation Models are able to eliminate interference in the picture. Photos taken from a height of 1500 feet can take a picture detail up to 2.9 inches from the ground, when the photo was taken from an altitude of 900 feet, detail can reach 1.8 inches. Office Processing Center software provided also designed to facilitate the unification picture.

UltraCamXp able to capture an image 17,310 x 11,310 pixels with a sharp up to 1 inch distance above the ground using the aircraft flying at 200 kilometers per hour. With 14 CPU's computing capability, the camera can process the raw images directly, offering high image quality and also a quick view and the histogram.
To compensate for the camera catches, there are storage media that can store around 6600 images was compressed in size up to 4.2 terabytes per picture, this is a very useful technology to be used to see important objects.

Nanorobotics Biology

Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009 · 2 komentar

Nano Technology is a technology that is able to manipulate atoms to produce a product to be cheaper, better and more fun. Nanotechnology is very diverse, for example to create a robot seukuran cells (the size of very small nano do) to fight the virus, smooth flow of blood, in the form of Nano Robot Biology.

Nanotechnology still limited research on the making of nano particles, shooting cancer cells, and the establishment of material I is superior (CMIIW). Nanotec is a kind of engine size is very small (of cells) that can perform the work of super-complex, for example, alter the order of cells, etc.. controlled by the kind of software.

In addition to the robot that is capable of Nanotechnology treat the disease, in addition to this technology can be very useful especially in the field of medicine, but will be destroyed if a programmed, will be very dangerous. Estimated the mad genius that make nano machine that is destroying mankind. Remember, the computer virus to create a virus using only his ego.



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